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Shop Small: How it can boost the economy

Shop Small! Once a year, we hear this term. We all look for a small business to support on #ShopSmallSaturday. But do you know that shopping small can bring benefits to the economy every day? Let's see a few ways: Shopping small can benefit the economy in several ways. It can: Stimulate local economies  by cycling money back into the community. Small businesses are made up of groups of people who are neighbors. By buying small, we support our neighbors, which build strong economic growth in our local neighborhoods, and builds long-lasting, flourishing relationships even. These small businesses also give back to the communities. Reduces the carbon footprint  due to less transportation. What is carbon foot printing?  A formal definition of carbon footprint is as follows: "A measure of the total amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions of a defined population, system or activity, considering all relevant sources, sinks and storage within the spatial and tem...

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